Black Hat SEO is a search engine optimization technique that is used to make others rank poorly, or oneself much better through doping, one might say. It can be said that it is often about so-called Link networks, or sending bad links to other people’s websites. Whatever your reason for doing black hat SEO, you should always use a VPN. It ensures that you do not leave any traces behind you, which is the whole basis of SEO work you can say.
What is Black Hat SEO?
Black Hat SEO is not the type of search engine optimization that you are not allowed to do, or that above all Google does not like you to perform. most often, this involves buying links to one of their websites, so that you then rank well on that website. This is something that Google hates, and you could be penalized for it. So much of Black hat SEO work is about clearing traces with VPNS, for example. You don’t want Google to see that you have a problem.
Another very common, and at least equally sensitive reason for Blackhat SEO is that you destroy others. Often it is about competitors you have, as you want them to rank worse. This is a method that unfortunately a lot of people tinker with, as it causes their competitors ‘ websites to rank poorly, while their own website does not risk being punished by Google for having bought links for themselves. As you probably know, this works very well, and is used by many more people than you think. especially in a niche where there is a lot of competition.
Using VPN to hide black hat SEO?
Since Black hat SEO is very much about sweeping up your tracks, VPNs can be used very effectively for this. With a VPN such as NordVPN or ExpressVPN, you simply leave no traces behind you from the very beginning, so you don’t have to sweep anything up, so to speak. What these services are very good at is precisely ensuring that you remain completely anonymous when you are on the internet. This is exactly what Black hat SEO is all about. no one should be able to see what you are doing, whether Google or other competitors.
What is the best VPN for Black Hat SEO?
NordVPN is by far the best VPN, even if you compare VPN services with equivalent price. We certainly think ExpressVPN has its advantages, but they have less security and fewer VPN servers available to use. And you will need to know about different VPN tunnels that you can go through when you tinker with Black Hat SEO.